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Our Leaders
Pastor Michael Jones obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). After graduation he moved to Memphis, TN where he began his professional career as an accountant. He expanded his professional career by returning to his alma mater to work as an Economic Development Specialist for the UAPB School of Business and later as a Community Development Specialist with the Mid South Delta Initiative; W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Pastor Jones began his ministerial call under the leadership of Pastor Brandon B. Porter of Greater CommunityChurch of God in Christ in Memphis, TN. He completed his ordination accreditation under the leadership of Bishop R. E. Matheney of the Arkansas 3rd Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jones was appointed pastor of Revival Center COGIC in 1997. Under the leadership of Pastor Jones, Revival Center is a growing congregation that is on the cutting edge of ministry. God has gifted Pastor Jones with supernatural insight on the ways and means of promoting excellence in ministry. Pastor Jones also serves the 3rd Jurisdiction of Arkansas Church of God in Christ as Chairman of Auxiliary in Ministry.
Lady Tira Jones obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). Her professional career includes experience as the Director of Kid’s University Child Care Center and Mentor Specialist of Drew Community Development Corporation. Lady Tira has also worked as a community liaison with the Mid-South Delta Initiative (MSDI) of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Her work with MSDI helped to inspire new ways of thinking and operating in some of the most impoverished areas of the Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi Delta communities. Lady Tira also served as a Mental Health Paraprofessional with Living Hope Southeast before transitioning to her position with the Southeast Arkansas Community Action Corporation (SEACAC) as the Assistant Head Start Director. Lady Tira currently serves as an Early Childhood Education consultant for Arkansas State University.
Lady Tira also serves as the leader of the RC Youth Department. Under her leadership, the youth department has become one of the strongest influences in the church and community at large. Lady Tira’s desire is to see young people on fire for God in ways that relate to the youth of today’s time. Her magnetism draws those who seem to have been left (on the fringe) and (in the rough) of church acceptance. She exemplifies the love of Christ to those who need it the most.
Pastor Mike and Lady Tira have three children: Michael II, Mi'Kira "Alex", and Morgan Jones.

Michael A. Jones
& Lady Tira Jones

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